Bird of a Feathers Schedule

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Please keep in mind that, due to security and capacity considerations, access to the sessions may be regulated to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all participants. Your cooperation is appreciated as we strive to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience.

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Title Time Room
SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) 07 Nov. 17:30-18:30 0.94
The Struggles of Working with Earth Observation Data 07 Nov. 17:30-18:30 0.95
ARD&STAC: Quo vadis? 07 Nov. 18:30-19:30 0.94
Indigenous led Space based solutions for Climate Action: A Space4Innovation approach 08 Nov. 13:00-14:00 0.94
Zarr / GeoZarr: Cloud-Native Storage for Big Data from Space 08 Nov. 13:00-14:00 0.95
How can the EO community benefit from lessons learned from the DIAS and support big data user needs and expectations in the future? 08 Nov. 18:00-19:00 0.94
Archive data cloud accessibility with Kerchunk Discussions - 10am onwards in poster area! 09 Nov. 08:00-08:50 0.95
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